School Events

PuTongHua Speech Competition

Please join us to congratulate the following students for they have been granted prizes in a competition celebrating the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the P.R.C. and the 25th Anniversary return of Hong Kong to the motherland.

Championship: 3B06 Lin YINGYING
1st Runner-up : 3A08 Wu ZIYIN
2nd Runners-up: 3A26 YUNG CHUNG KI
                            3A27 ZHANG JUNTAO
                            3C03 LIN XIUFEN

PuTongHua Speech Competition

School Supervisor and Manager Visit (19 Oct 2022)

It was our honour to have the School Supervisor and Managers of Po Leung Kuk visiting our school on 19 Oct 2022. Our Principal, Mr. WONG Chung Ki, extended his warm welcome to our honourable guest, introducing our school and showing him around our school campus. Our teachers were delighted to introduce the most recent developments of our school, including the Irene Yu Library, Tony Tong Biotechnology Laboratory, the Smart Home Laboratory, the Aviation Laboratory and the Life-Planning Training Centre.

Lecturer Dr. Chan was introducing our bio-tech research project to our honourable guest at the Tony Tong Biotechnology Laboratory.

On-campus vaccination campaign

On 7th October, 2022, On-campus vaccination campaign was held for students. To facilitate our students to receive the COVID-19 jab, the school had organized an on-campus vaccination campaign for whole school’s students, who are eligible to receive the Sinovac [CoronaVac]. Dr. Jimmy Wong and his medical team were responsible for giving jabs for participating students. After receiving their injections, all students got a souvenir from the medical team at the event. 

Kick off ceremony for the vaccination campaign

Career Visit 1 (2022-23) - A Visit to the University of Hong Kong

In order to provide students with an opportunity to experience the school life at university, our school arranged a visit to the University of Hong Kong with students on 8th October, 2022. 10 students took part in the visit. After the arrival, they had a guided tour conducted by our teacher who was also a graduate of the HKU. They visited various places, including Centennial Campus, Sun Yat-sen Statue and Luk Yau Tong. Students were well behaved during the trip. Some of them said that they would work hard to get into universities!

Students took a big photo on the Centennial Campus of the HKU.

The Power to Lead - FutureGEN Girls Leadership Summit 2022

Organised by the Jennifer Yu Cheng Girls Impact Foundation (JYCGIF), the first FutureGEN Girls Leadership Summit 2022 drew more than 600 teen girls from across 55 schools for a transformative day of panel discussions led by industry leaders, digital skill-building workshops, and interaction with new technology. 

Students were taken a photo at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Tai O Field Study

Two teachers were invited by HKUST to experience Tai O culture for two days from 1st to 2nd October, 2022. The field trip aims to strengthen their knowledge of Tai O and to experience the life in Tai O. Our teachers had an opportunity to enjoy a dragon boat ride as well as a ride on the traditional oar propelled boat. On top of that, they learnt the intangible cultural heritage of Tai O.

The tour guide was telling the story of Tai O.

Kickoff of the Silver Jubilee Celebration

Our Kickoff of the Silver Jubilee Celebration were held on 5 October, teachers and students participated in the Silver Jubilee Celebration Quiz competition and photos were taken for the class. They all showed joyful smiles.

Our school Silver Jubilee Celebration slogan is as follows:

Zealous effort pursued supremacy

Steadfast belief crested sagacity

Teachers and students of 2B actively participated in the Silver Jubilee Celebration Quiz Competition.

S2 & S3 Parents' Night 2022-23

On 16th September, 2022, the school organised the annual Parents' Night for Form 2 and 3 students and parents. Different school policies, including promotion criteria for students, homework policy, BYOD, career and guidance as well as exchange programs, were introduced to parents. After the introduction, parents were invited to have a conservation with class teachers. Overall, it was observed that all parents found the Parents' Night meaningful.

Many parents attended the Parents' Night.

Opening Ceremony 2022-23

The 2022-2023 School Opening Ceremony was held in the school hall on 1 September, 2022. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the ceremony. On behalf of the school and all the staff, he gave a warm welcome to all students.

Students listened to the principal's speech attentively.
