School Events

The 18th Alumni General Meeting

The 18th Alumni General Meeting was successfully held at our school on 13th Jan 2023. The event was held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, gave a welcome speech. Then, the Chairperson of the Alumni, Mr. Lam Ka Ho presented the annual report and budget report. This was followed by our Vice Principal, Miss Chiu, who presented the result of Alumni Manager Election.

The chairman of the Alumni Association, Mr. Lam Ka Ho was presenting the budget report.

Chinese Traditional Costume Runway Show

The Chinese Department organized a Chinese Traditional Costume Runway Show with a board display on 21 December, 2022. Student models put on colourful dresses on the runway. The event ended with a great success as everyone enjoyed the catwalk. Special thanks to the teachers who were behind the scenes.

A group photo of all student models after the runway show

1st Joint School Swimming Gala

Our School 1st Joint School Swimming Gala was held at Kowloon Park Swimming Pool on 8th December 2022. 2E 13 LAM TSZ YEUNG Y Y and 2E 1 CHU TSZ CHING have won the Individual Champion in Boys Grade and Girls Grade respectively. House Pegasus has won the House Overall Champion. Congratulations! 

1st Joint School Swimming Gala was successfully held.

A Visit to HKU School of Biological Science

Our biotech research team students assisted the research works for School of Biological Science, HKU. A visit was arranged for the students who were dedicated their work in the project. Our team was collaborating with the English team and the English team students visited the School of Biological Science together. 

Students are listening to the PhD student to introduce their research project

3D Sham Shui Po 360 - The City University of Hong Kong

Our students (3A Wong Tsz Ching, 3B Wong Pik Chuk, 3C Wong Cheuk Tung Zoe) were delighted to win the silver award of 3D Sham Shui Po 360 organised by the City University of Hong Kong. This project aimed to help secondary school students in Sham Shui Po District gain more appreciation from  their own community and its amazing economic and social transformation over the past few decades through the project-based learning with new media technologies.

Our students won the silver award of 3D Sham Shui Po 360.

2022-2023 First Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 2022-2023 First Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony was held during the morning assembly on 21st December, 2022.
Students who were awarded the first, second and third place of each form are:
Form 3: 3B Wong Fei Fei, 3A Ma Shing Hei and 3A Li Shing Chun
Form 2: 2C Rayan Sajed, 2B Tong Nga Nam and 2B Chan Tsz Fei
Form 1: 1B Lam Yui Ying, 1C Dewan Nishe and 1C Pang Man Lok

Lam you Yeung from class 1B was awarded the First Position in S.1.

Silver Jubilee School Open Day

In order to introduce our school and the latest facilities, the school organized a School Open Day for the interested parents on 10th December 2022 (Sat). To start with, there was an admission talk conducted by our Assistant Principal and Vice Principal. After the talk, a campus tour was arranged and various subject faculties displayed their curriculum, students' achievements and extra-curricular activities to parents.

Many parents and children attended the talk.

Silver Jubilee Celebration Ceremony

To mark the 25th anniversary of Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College, the Silver Jubilee Celebration Ceremony was held on 10th December 2022 (Saturday). This year, the school was delighted to invite honorable guests from the Education Bureau (EDB), the school supervisor and managers, principals, as well as other important guests to attend the event. Prizes were given to honorable guests and staff members who have dedicated their life to education. Near the end, there was a drone light show that summed up the development of the school!

Honorable guests were invited to attend the ceremony!
