School Events

Sex Education Talk

An assembly of sex education for F.1 and F.2 students was held to talk about the topic of "Love Vs Sex" on 17 December 2018. Mr. Li Cheong Lung, the Chief Executive of the organization of Action Health was invited to provide the talk to the students.

Students should know that they are in charge of their life, including the decision of having sex with the ones they love or not.

A Cappella and Handbell Team lunchtime concert

An A Cappella and Handbell Team lunchtime concert was held at the school hall on 12th December. Zense, an A Cappella group founded in 2009, was invited to our school to perform and demonstrate some of the techniques of singing A Cappella. It was followed by the performance of Christmas pieces by members of our Handbell Ensemble. Both teachers and students had an enjoyable time during the concert.

'Zense' is performing a pop song in the style of A Cappella in the concert.

The grand opening of the new library

This year marks the 21st anniversary of our school, and throughout our history we have dedicated ourselves to preparing our students for their future by providing high quality education to enhance their bi-literacy and tri-lingualism, to develop their higher order thinking skills, and to foster their multi-intelligence. Research findings illustrate the positive impact of dynamic, inclusive library services and environments that are aligned with the school's vision and learning goals.

The outdoor transparent glassy led video screen for promoting library activities and showing educational videos

Chinese Traditional Performing Arts Show

Our Chinese Ensemble was invited to perform in 'Chinese Traditional Performing Arts Show' at Mei Foo Community Hall on 15 December, 2018. The show aims to promote Chinese traditional performing arts through a variety of performances.

Our Chinese Ensemble is performing a traditional piece 'Yi River in Spring' at Mei Foo Community Hall.

2018-19 School Info. Day (8-12-2018)

The School Info Day was held on 8th December, 2018 (Saturday) and it provided an opportunity for the public to know more about our school. An admission talk, a genuine discussion with the principals and a campus tour were arranged. All student helpers from TNK and SFC participated enthusiastically to introduce our school campus and facilities to the visitors.

The School Info Day was held on 8th December, 2018 (Saturday) and it provided an opportunity for the public to know more about our school. An admission talk, a genuine discussion with the principals and a campus tour were arranged. All student helpers from TNK and SFC participated enthusiastically to introduce our school campus and facilities to the visitors.

Australia Ecological Study Tour 2018

Four teachers and 20 students from Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School and our school went to Gold Coast, Australia for a nine-day ecological and educational study tour from 12th to 20th July 2018. Students got a precious opportunity to learn about the developments of ecology, education and culture in Australia as well as building their confidence on the use of English.

We visited the famous Surfers Paradise of Gold Coast, Australia.

A Visit from Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

We are honored to have Principal Lee and his colleagues from Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College as our visitors on 5 December 2018. The theme of this visit and sharing session is our school campus new renovations and school-based development on e-learning. All of us had a fruitful afternoon.

Here is our classic British-style study room.
