School Events

Job Simulation

A job simulation activity was held for 2C, 2D, 2E, 3A, 3B and 3C students on 25 November, 2016. The students had a great opportunity to experience different occupations. They really enjoyed the activity.

Students are trying to be the tour guides and are reading the map carefully.

Chinese Opera Public Performance

Chan On Kiu, Houston from Class 3F performed in the Chinese Opera "White Dragon Pass" at Yuen Long Theatre on 2 December, 2016. On Kiu was the second male actor of this Chinese drama and he performed very well that night.

Chan On Kiu in his Chinese opera costumes.

Sex Education Talk organised by MCNEC

MCNEC invited Miss Lam Ah Huen, a famous social worker from Sex Education Studies to present a sex education talk to our Form One and Two students during the Assembly lesson on 2nd December, 2016.

Miss Lam Ah Huen is giving a talk to our S.1 and S.2 students.

“Water Conservation Week 2016”

A fun game booth has been organized by our students in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square to promote "Save water, we can" on 20thNovember 2016.

Water Conservation Week 2016 has the full support of Water Supplies Department. Visitors participated in the game booth held by our students enthusiastically.

Visitors were asked to guess the virtual water consumption in the manufacturing process of the food.

Po Leung Kuk Charity Run

Po Leung Kuk Charity Run

The Po Leung Kuk Charity Run was successfully held on 4 December, 2016. Our students participated in the 3km runs. Two of our students, WU CHEUK FUNG & TO KAI got the 2nd & 4th prizes in the 3km run (youth).

The students arrived at the camp site at about 8:00 a.m..

Life-Wide Learning Day – Mathematics Department

Life-Wide Learning Day - Mathematics Department

In the morning of 25th November, 2016, classes 3A and 3B visited the ElectriCity and Eco Home of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited respectively. In addition to the learning of electricity production and environmental protection issues, they shared a happy time in the centres enjoying the learning activities.

Students listened actively to the information of the Power Stations in Hong Kong.

Halloween Day Activity

Halloween Day activities were held on 2 November, 2016 during the lunch recess. Different kinds of games like candy guessing game, shooting Halloween monsters, Halloween word search were prepared. Students enjoyed the activities very much. They got lots of prizes and candies.

A student is blindfolded and trying to pin a wart on the witch’s nose.
