School Events

2021/2022 Halloween Party

In order to create a rich environment for students to learn English, a Halloween party was held for F.2 and F.3 students at the school hall during the lunch break on 5 November 2021. There were lots of interesting Halloween game booths and students had to make use of this golden opportunity to speak in English with their teachers and student helpers. In general, the Halloween Party attracted lots of F.2 and F.3 students and the feedback was positive. 

Students are lining up patiently before playing different halloween games.

S2 Classroom Management Activity

A thematic S2 Classroom Management Activity - Setting Classroom Regulations was held in our Assembly Day lesson on 3rd November. With the class teachers' guidance, students drafted classroom regulations and embellished them with their creative images. Students found the activity helpful in reinforcing their idea of abidance. The activity enhanced relationships between themselves and their class-teachers, too.

Students are in preparation for the activity

Staff Development Day

The staff development day was held on 27 October 2021. Our school educational psychologist, Donna, gave us a talk on students with special educational needs in the morning. Through understanding their characteristics and needs, teachers can adopt various teaching strategies in order to help students to learn. Next, a green talk was conducted by Green Sense. The awareness of the over-packaging problem caused by online shopping has been raised.

Our educational psychologist, Donna is going to tell us about the characteristics of students with special educational needs and how teachers can cater their needs in lessons.

Joint-school National Education Security Workshop

To facilitate the systematic and comprehensive planning and implementation of national security education in the school curriculum, our school together with Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik Secondary College and Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Shing (1983) College held a ‘Joint-school National Security Education Workshop’ on the Staff Development Day. It was organized by the Education Bureau.

Gamma-Go Workshop

Our STEM school team members have joined the Gamma-Go Workshop organized by the Hong Kong Observatory. In the workshop, students were introduced basic concept related to radiation in our daily lives. They built a radiation detection device using Arduino Boards and various sensor components. They also had a chance to try out their device by finding natural radioactive sources hidden in the school campus. It has been a great opportunity for our students to learn beyond the regular classroom.

Students are making their radiation detection device attentively.

One hundred years of National History Exhibition

The exhibition named 'One hundred years of National History' was jointly organized by Chinese History and Social and Cultural Studies departments from 18 to 20 October 2021.

The purpose behind organizing the exhibition was to enhance our students' understanding on the modern history of our Country. Through this exhibition, students learnt the history of our Country and evaluate the present situation in order to help them have a thorough understanding of our Country.

Dr. Chan Hon Shing took a photo with the students in the Hall when National History Exhibition commenced.

Introductory workshop of Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme

An introductory workshop of Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme was held on 16th October 2021 at City University of Hong Kong. Twenty secondary schools joined the rearing programme this year. The information and importance of conservation of horseshoe crab were introduced to the participants. Our school was selected as one of the participant representatives to share the prior horseshoe crab rearing experience to the newly joined schools. Young horseshoe crabs will be distributed to participating schools in December 2021.

Our students were excited to visit the campus of City University of Hong Kong.

Biotechnology training course for teachers from PLK Riverain Primary School

A teacher sharing workshop was held on 23rd September 2021 in order to provide training on basic biotechnology techniques for 16 teachers from PLK Riverain Primary School. This is a pre-teaching course for teachers to learn how to deliver the concept of biotechnology to secondary school students. Two experiments (Bacterial culture and DNA extraction from strawberry) were conducted during the workshop. The theory and the importance of serial dilution in biotechnology were also introduced to the participants.

Dr. Alice Chan was introducing the training workshop.

Po Leung Kuk Young IMPACT Makers Programme: Be a Y.I.M. Orientation Day

A group of 10 Form 3 students have joined the Young IMPACT Makers Programme organized by Po Leung Kuk. They are about to embark on a journey of understanding the needs of the disadvantaged and contributing their ideas and efforts to help make an impact to the society. During the Be Y.I.M. Orientation Day, the kick-off event of the Programme, students had a chance to have a glimpse about the needs of the grass-root families and think about what they could do to help.

Our students are ready to embark on this journey of change-making.
