School Events

2021-22 Admission Talk

To introduce the latest development of Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College to parents and students from primary schools, an admission talk was arranged on 11 December 2021. Apart from the talk, the school also offered a glimpse of different facilities by having a VR school tour with parents. There were lots of visitors and many of them showed interest in our school!

Our teachers were welcoming the parents at the school entrance.

1st term Life-Wide Learning Day 2021-2022 (Physical Education Department)

The Physical Education Department organized an event for students to experience fencing on the Life-Wide Learning Day. A famous fencing coach Mr. Lam Hin Chung, Antonio was invited to our school to introduce fencing and demonstrate techniques. During the activity, students not only had basic understanding of fencing, but they also learnt some simple techniques, including footwork and attacking skills. Students also carried out a series of physical activities. They responded enthusiastically and actively participated in various activities.

Mr. Lam is teaching our students some simple fencing exercises.

St. Nicholas Visit 2021-2022 (Workshop)

One World Spirit Organisation invited our school to visit families in Discovery Bay with St. Nicholas on 5th December 2021. Before that, students went to a workshop to prepare themselves for the home visit. Five students were listening to St. Nicholas about the details, schedule and customs needed. Besides, One World Spirit Organisation also organised a Christmas Bazaar in Discovery Bay Lantau Boat Club. All proceeds go to Po Leung Kuk social services to support disadvantaged children in Hong Kong.

Organisers and our students were having a group photo.

MCNEC: The National Consitution Day and its related activities

To celebrate the National Constitution Day, MCNEC organized a series of related activities, including education session in class teacher period, exhibition boards and real-time flag raising ceremony. Students were able to learn about the knowledge of our National Constitution and the conditions of the motherland nowadays from these activities.

Students were reading the information on the exhibition board.

Career Visit 1 - A Visit to the Hong Kong Maritime Museum

To help students understand more about the career of being a seaman, a career visit was held on 4th December 2021. Six Students were invited to the Hong Kong Maritime Museum in Central. During the visit, the history of maritime development in Hong Kong, different trade products and the career path of a seaman were introduced to students. Most students said that the event was meaningful as they learnt more about the maritime industry. 

A former female sailor was introducing the history of trades to students.

A Visit to the Basic Law Library

The Basic Law Library is located on the 5/F of the City Hall Public Library. The Basic Law Collection and about 7,500 items of reference materials acquired by the Basic Law Institute which were originally housed in the Hong Kong Central Library can be found there. Readers can make use of the collection for better understanding and research on the Basic Law of the HKSAR.

Students are visiting the Basic Law Library.

African Drum Arena on Life-wide Learning day

Djembe is one of the world's oldest instruments that was originated from the South Africa. Africans play the drum with singing and dancing in various ceremonies and festivals such as weddings, funeral and harvest celebration. Besides, they use the drum to deliver messages across villages as the sound of the drum is bright to transmit. Students experienced to play the traditional instrument of South Africa and unleashed their creativity to design their own rhythm.

Students are learning to play Djembe.

2021-22 Job Simulation (Classes 3A-3C)

In order to give students more exposure to different occupational duties, the 2021-22 Job Simulation Activity was held on 11th and 29th November 2021 respectively. Throughout the events, students learnt how to be real professionals, such as being doctors, interior designers, secretaries and accountants. The feedback was positive!

The instructor was teaching students basic principles of being a secretary who worked in a big company.

Health Talk (Healthy Sun Teen)

To educate students the positive value and attitude of selecting their friends, DGC and MCNEC organised a talk for all S2 classes. Mr Lee, a counsellor from Po Leung Kuk Student Support Team conducted a talk for our students. Through this talk, students have learnt about how to distinguish a real friend and a toxic friend. Students found the talk informative and interesting.
