School Events

Mental Health Workshop for Teachers

To promote mental health amongst students and to enhance support for students with mental health needs, the Mental Health Workshop for Teachers was held on 27 April 2022 afternoon. Our school educational psychologist, Donna, gave us a talk on identification of at-risk students, symptoms of anxiety and depression, prevention of self-harm and suicide in school, etc. Video sharing and case discussion were arranged, the workshop came to an end with a fruitful result and teachers’ awareness of mental health and suicide was raised.

Retreat Day

The Retreat Day was held on the first day of school after the holiday. Both teachers and students have not met each other for a long time. This event can help teachers and students to know the importance of mental wellness, to strengthen the relationship, to set goals for the second term, and to prepare for the challenges in the future. Under the pandemic, the event was held in the form of online meeting on Moxtra. Students and teachers were having so much fun in the event.

Students set the goals for the next semester.

STEM Training for Teachers

We had our thematic Staff Development Day on the morning of 28th January 2022 (Friday). Our staff members visited our D&T Laboratory and BioTech Laboratory and learnt some hands-on skills and techniques in guiding our students to finish the project-based researches. The Staff Development Day came to an end with a fruitful result.

Staff attending a programming session.

PTA Parent's Talk (1st Term)

In order to let parents understand the psychological challenges their children are facing after the resumption of whole-day schooling, identify children’s emotional needs and symptoms of distress, and enhance the understanding of positive communication skills, an online talk about how to deal with child’s emotion was delivered by Ms Leung Hoi Yan, the registered social worker from The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups on 23rd January, 2022.

Our PTA Vice-Chairman, Ms Wong On Nei, was introducing the speaker, Ms Leung Hoi Yan, the registered social worker from The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups.

2021-22 CGC Life planning Workshops (Form 1)

Two life planning enrichment workshops were held for all Form 1 students from 19th to 20th January 2022. During the workshops, students were introduced different occupations and the importance of planning ahead so that they can prepare for future challenges. Our students were actively engaged in the lessons. They responded that the workshops helped them think about their future career paths.

The tutor was asking students questions about what they would like to do in the future.

The 17th Alumni General Meeting

The 17th Alumni General Meeting was successfully held at our school on 14th January 2022. Due to the pandemic, most alumni attended the meeting online. During the meeting, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, our Principal, gave a welcome speech. Then, Mr. Lam Ka Ho, Chairperson of the Alumni,  also gave a welcome speech and presented the annual report. Finally, Mr. Li Chun Wai, Vice Chairperson of the Alumni, presented the budget report.

The 16th Alumni Annual General Meeting was smoothly held on 14th January 2022.

A Visit to the Medical School, University of Hong Kong

It was pleased that our students got the opportunity to visit the Medical School of the University of Hong Kong on 28 December 2021. Dr. Nikki Pui-Yue LEE, the assistant professor introduced some of her research projects to our students. Our students also got a chance to perform experiments in the university laboratory. Students were interested to learn new and advanced knowledge through this visit.

Students visited Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed).

Collaboration with School of Biological Science, HKU

HKU students from Integrative Biology & Evolutionary Ecology Research Team were invited to present their research project. They shared their experiences on how to do a research project and introduced their ongoing project with our students. Our students had the opportunity to help with the sample preparation process of the project. They were proud to participate and contribute to the university project.

Dr. Chan invited students from HKU to present their research project to our students.

CGC Job Guessing Event 1

A job guessing event was held on 18th November, 2021. It aims to enrich students’ knowledge about different careers. During the morning assembly session, some riddles related to jobs were introduced and students needed to figure out the correct jobs. The game was interesting. Students’ responses were generally positive.

Students are trying to guess the job by reading the riddles on the Keynote.
