School Events

Life Wide Learning Day (3C - Hong Kong Maritime Museum)

In order to enable students to learn more about the Hong Kong's maritime heritage, 3C students visited the Hong Kong Maritime Museum on 25th November 2016. During the visit, students gained a better understanding of the history especially the development of Hong Kong as an international port and shipping hub.

Students took a photo in front of the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.

Life-wide learning day (Visit to Civic Education Resource Centre)

Students from classes 1E, 1A and 1B had an informative and fun day at Civic Education Resource Centre on 24th November, 2016. Through the interactive games and the movie sharing session, students were able to learn more about civil responsibilty and their nation.

We're ready!

2016-2017 First Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 2016-2017 First Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the school hall during the morning assembly on 22nd November, 2016.

The first,second and third place of each form are:

Form 3:3A Chow Hiu Yeung, 3B Yang Justin and 3C Lai Kim Wa

Form 2:2P Wong Tsz Yuen, 2A Cheung Sum Po and 2A Lai Gabriel

Form 1:1E Cheung Kit, 1B Tam Pak Yiu and 1E Lau Ho Lung

Chow Hiu Yeung from class 3A was awarded the First Position in S.3 by the Principal.

School Picnic

The school picnic was scheduled on November 11 this year.

All Form 1 students went to Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp on that day. Surrounded by hills and trees, the campsite is a fantastic spot for students to enjoy the natural environment. Apart from that, students also took full advantage of the recreational facilities there.

Form 1 students enjoyed the recreational facilities of the campsite.

The 13th Parent Teacher Association Annual General Meeting

The 13th Parent Teacher Association Annual General Meeting was held at the school hall on 4th November, 2016. All principals, teachers and over 60 parents of all forms (S1 - S3) joined the meeting. The event began with the Principal's speech, followed by a report on President's duty and PTA's financial situation, a talk about school health programme and the election of new parent committees for the coming year.

The President of PTA, Ms. Yan Siu Ha reported the PTA duties.

The InnoCarnival 2016

Underscoring the theme "Smart Living - Innovative Hong Kong", the InnoCarnival 2016 features various types of activities, such as exhibitions, workshops, seminars, science competitions, guided tours, performances and interactive games for members of the public to gain hands-on and fun-filled experience of the convenience and fun brought by innovation and technology to their daily life.

All students took a photo together.

Sham Shui Po District Reading Promotion Scheme 2016 Book Purchase Activity

Our school was selected to join the Sham Shui Po District Reading Promotion Scheme 2016 Book Purchase Activity. Eight S.2-3 stduents were invited to join this meaningful activity that was held on 28 October at the Commercial Press in Tsim Sha Tsui. With the $250 sponsor for each student, our students enthusiastically picked their favourite books in store.

Participants show their favorite books happily.

Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day 2016-17

The Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day was sucessfully held on 5 September and 15 September,2016.

Students were encouraged to apply for their favourite Academic and Non-academic Clubs, School Teams or Interest Classes in the school hall during the recess and lunch recess on that day.

Students were asking for more information about various ECA activities.

2016 Guangdong Youth Cultural Festival Choir Competition

Our school choir received Third Class Honor in "2016 Guangdong Youth Cultural Festival Choir Competition" which was held on 15 October, 2016. It was a great experience to learn from different performing groups as the performers were coming from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Macau and Taiwan. Students were amazed by the architecture and design of Guangzhou Opera House and Guangzhou Library on the following day.

Our school choir received Third Class Honor in "2016 Guangdong Youth Cultural Festival Choir Competition".
