School Events

Leopard House AGM 2016-2017

The Annual General Meeting was held at the school hall after school on 20th September, 2016. The House caption and committee members introduced themselves and the House teachers to all House members. Then the House Wardens introduced the activities and invited the House members to participate and help in various activities. All House members were active and delighted during the meeting.

The House teachers and students took a picture together.

Joint School New Zealand Study Tour 2016

Between 19th July and 31st July 2016, nineteen of our junior form students went on a 12-day study tour in New Zealand with twenty Primary Five students studying in Po Leung Kuk Siu Hon Sum Primary School and Po Leung Kuk Riverain Primary School. Accompanied by six teachers for our school exchange with South Auckland Middle School and local tour, the students were totally immersed in the Kiwi culture and boost their English in an authentic context. They demonstrated tremendous resilience and adaptability throughout the tour.

Students have a memorable trip in New Zealand

Student Exchange Programme 2015 -2016

Our school has co-organized a Student Exchange Programme with Maryknoll Fathers' School during the week of 22nd February - 26th February, 2016. The Exchange Programme is to enable students to broaden their horizon, raise their adaptability to other cultures and learning environment, manifest toleration to strangers and admire and learn the strengths of others.

All the students and teachers from Class 2P welcome the 5 students from MFS.

Po Leung Kuk Flag Day 2016

The Po Leung Kuk Flag Day was held on 3 September, 2016 (Saturday). Parents and students were invited to take part in this meaningful fund-raising event. Donations will be used for Po Leung Kuk educational and social welfare services. The participation of flag selling provides a good opportunity for our students to take part in community services.

Parents and their children participated actively on the day.

2016-2017 School Opening Ceremony

The 2016-2017 School Opening Ceremony was held in the school hall on 1 September, 2016. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the the ceremony . On behalf of our school and all our staff, he gave a warm welcome to all the students.

Our school Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the opening ceremony.

F.1 Leadership Training Day Camp

The S.1 Leadership Training Day Camps were held on 4th and 5th August, 2016. The S.1 students met their new schoolmates and did different group activities together.

They were so excited when playing games together.

2015-2016 Closing Ceremony

The annual closing ceremony was sucessfully held on the 6th July, 2016. The ceremony started with National Flag raising, school song and opening address by Principal, followed by the presentation of awards and vote of thanks given by form 3 graduates. This year, over 150 students were awarded with different prizes: Overall prizes in various subjects and conduct, outstanding awards in music, arts, sports, external competitions and other areas.

Press Conference of “Chinese gardening guided tour and History oral presentation by the elderly scheme”

"Chinese gardening guided tour and History oral presentation by the elderly scheme" is a one-year scheme funded by EDB Quality Education Fund. In order to show the outcome of the scheme, our school held the Press Conference on 9th July, 2016 (Saturday) at Irene Yu Lecture Theater, Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College. We were honoured to have Mr. Yeung Kin Chung Clifton, Principal Education Secretary of Po Leung Kuk to be the guest-of-honour of the Press Conference.

The opening address is being given by Mr. Yeung Kin Chung Clifton, Principal Education Secretary of Po Leung Kuk.

Civic Education Resource Centre Visit

During the visit to the Civic Education Resource Centre (CERC), a guided tour was provided to promote civic education. It was divided into two sessions. The first part was a movie show, and the second part was the introduction of moral and civic education. In the centre, there are some displays introducing the national flag, flag raising ceremony, basic law, and things about personal growth and family.

Students were watching a film which was about the study life of a student in China.
