School Events

English Drama Activity (Life-Wide Learning Day)

The Life-Wide Learning Day was successfully held on 19th November, 2021. In The English Drama Activity, native English-speaking tutors came to the College, and had interactive speaking practices with students of class 2A, 2B and 2C. In the 3-hour activity, students were highly engaged in practising drama skills in English. All of them were motivated and attentive.

A student was eager to be the volunteer and to guess the Leader in the warm up game called “Guess who the leader is”.

Chinese Traditional Performing Arts Show

Members of the Visual Arts Team and the Chinese Orchestra participated in the Chinese Traditional Performing Arts Show organised by Sham Shui Po West Area Committees on 13 November 2021. The aim was to promote Chinese traditional performing arts through a variety of performances. Our Visual Arts Team members were doing the paper cutting while the Chinese orchestra members were performing guzheng. The handcraft matched with the theme of the songs.

Miss Leung, our teacher-in-charge of the Visual Arts Team, is receiving a certificate from the organiser.

The School Book Fair

The School Book Fair was held on 16th and 17th November 2021. A wide range of books were showcased at The School Book Fair. All students were interested in reading books. Some students were keen to purchase their favourite books. The School Book Fair encourages students to broaden their horizons through books.

Students were excited to read their favourite books.

CGC Career Talk

In order to help our S3 students and parents understand more about promoting to PLK Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College (SFC), a CGC Seminar for Parents and Students on Promotion to SFC was held by the Career Guidance Committee (CGC). The Vice Principal, Ms Ng and the Careers Master, Mr Chan from PLK Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College were invited to our school to have a sharing with our students and parents.

Ms Ng, the Vice-principal of SFC, is giving an introduction about SFC.

The 18th PTA Annual General Meeting

The 18th PTA Annual General Meeting was held on 5 November 2021 at the school hall successfully. During the meeting, an alternate election of the 18th Parent Committee Members was conducted. Letters of Commission were given to all members. The Outstanding Parent Volunteer Award was also presented to parent committee members. Before the end of the meeting, Principal Wong took a group photo with all executive committee members of the PTA.

Principal Wong is giving a talk to parents.

2021/2022 Halloween Party

In order to create a rich environment for students to learn English, a Halloween party was held for F.2 and F.3 students at the school hall during the lunch break on 5 November 2021. There were lots of interesting Halloween game booths and students had to make use of this golden opportunity to speak in English with their teachers and student helpers. In general, the Halloween Party attracted lots of F.2 and F.3 students and the feedback was positive. 

Students are lining up patiently before playing different halloween games.

S2 Classroom Management Activity

A thematic S2 Classroom Management Activity - Setting Classroom Regulations was held in our Assembly Day lesson on 3rd November. With the class teachers' guidance, students drafted classroom regulations and embellished them with their creative images. Students found the activity helpful in reinforcing their idea of abidance. The activity enhanced relationships between themselves and their class-teachers, too.

Students are in preparation for the activity

Staff Development Day

The staff development day was held on 27 October 2021. Our school educational psychologist, Donna, gave us a talk on students with special educational needs in the morning. Through understanding their characteristics and needs, teachers can adopt various teaching strategies in order to help students to learn. Next, a green talk was conducted by Green Sense. The awareness of the over-packaging problem caused by online shopping has been raised.

Our educational psychologist, Donna is going to tell us about the characteristics of students with special educational needs and how teachers can cater their needs in lessons.
