School Events

Job guessing activity (2nd term)

Career Ambassadors made a video about different kinds of jobs. Under the guidance of class teachers, students could guess the related career which was acted by the Career Ambassadors via the video. They enjoyed the activity very much.

A riddle game was designed by the teacher.

Careers ambassadors whole school activity

Through making videos about different jobs, Career Ambassadors can let students know more about the job nature, duties, requirements and prospect of different careers. Under the guidance of class teachers, students could guess the related career which was acted by the Career Ambassadors in the video. They enjoyed the activity very much.

Through collective wisdom, a riddle game was designed by career ambassadors.

S3DEF Job Simulation

In order to help Form 3 students understand more about their career paths, a job simulation session was held by Careers Guidance Committee (CGC) on 21 May, 2021. Throughout the event, students were asked to perform tasks that are related to different occupations. Most students actively engaged in the job simulation event!

The instructor was teaching students how to be a dubbing artist.

Mathematics prize in closing ceremony

In the academic year 2020-2021 Mathematics team members have tried their best to participate in different competitions. All the prizes are given to students during the closing ceremony. Students are happy and excited when they get the prize from different competitions! Here is the list of the prize and corresponding students:

Pan-Asia Pacific International Mathematics Invitation Competition 2020 Heat 2021

3C 28 TING HO KAM Second Class Award

 2021 Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2021 (Hong Kong Region) - 1A LEE Yui (Bronze Award)

2020-2021 School Closing Ceremony

The 2020-2021 School Closing Ceremony was held in the classroom on 7 July, 2021. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the ceremony. On behalf of the school and all the staff, he gave a warm congratulation to all students.

The group photo for the award recipients of Class 1B.

Parent's Talk and Joint-school Sharing Session

In order to help parents to have more understanding on emotions, stress and anxiety of children, a talk about how to deal with child's emotion was delivered by Ms. Luk, the Social Worker, on 4th July 2021. On the other hand, a sharing session with Joint-school PTA was held after the talk.

We would like to thank the parent committee of the PTA for assistance.

STEM Talk: Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence

We are happy to have invited the education volunteer team from the Bank of China (Hong Kong) to our school and deliver a talk on blockchain and artificial intelligence. The talk enhanced our students' knowledge about the latest technological development. Volunteers from BOC(HK) has brought to our students not only basic knowledge on these two topics, but also a sharing on how technology is now being used in the banking and finance industries. In the simulation game, students could also have an experience of how Bitcoin transactions work.

Students and volunteer team from BOC(HK) are posing for a group photo happily.

STEM Summer Program: Combating Virus

During the past year, we always hear different things about virus and how to keep us safe from it. We are told to wash our hands frequently and always use alcohol sanitizers to clean our hands. What is the theory behind? In our STEM Summer Program this year, students learnt the science about virus and bacteria. Through experiments, they could see how much bacteria was around us and the effect of sanitizers. Students also made their own smart UVC sanitizers, which could help sanitize their gadgets, such as smartphones and keys.

A student is collecting samples in the school campus for the experiment.
