School Events

CGC Careers Talk

In order to help our students and parents understand more about the procedure of promotion to SFC, a seminar on SFC Admission Procedures and Making Informed Choices in Subject Selection was held by Career Guidance Committee. A senior teacher from P.L.K. Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth College, a life-planning professional as well as teachers from T.N.K. were invited to have a sharing with our students, parents and teachers.

Parents are listening to the talk attentively.

The Genuine Discussion Between Parents and the Principals was held on 15 May 2021

The Genuine Discussion Between Parents and the Principals was held on 15 May 2021 in the school hall of Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College. The event was a nice opportunity for the principals, teachers and parents to share their enrichment strategies to support students' learning. Principal Wong informed the parents about the summer holiday schedule. The College is going to offer consolidation courses and productive activities to help students to recover both academically and physically from disrupted periods of distance learning.

The Genuine Discussion Between Parents and the Principals was held in the school hall.

Disaster Preparedness Foundation Training for Safety First Aid Team

40 students have completed a training programme called 'Disaster Preparedness Foundation Training" organized by Hong Kong Red Cross. This training aims at enhancing the knowledge and skills amongst the general public on the scope of community resilience. In addition, it can equip the public's response capacity to urban crises and emergencies in high-risk communities.

Dream Tec Visit (11 May 2021)

DreamTec Research Limited is one of the leading Hong Kong based biotechnology firms. DreamTec has been developing cutting-edge applications in biotechnology, including valuable recombinant proteins, stem cells, 3D bio-printing as well as exosome. DreamTec Research Limited's Scientific Officer, Dr. WU Kam Chau, and Chief Business Development Officer, Mr. Elman CHEUNG, visited our school on 11 May 2021.

Dr. Wu and Mr. Cheung were joining our S1 biotechnology lesson.

S2 PBL and S3 IES Presentation Day

The S2 PBL and S3 IES Presentation Day was held on 7 May 2021. Students were showing their works and projects to teachers and other students, including S1 students. All students were very concentrated on the presentation. Some students were keen to ask questions. It is a golden opportunity for students to learn from each other. 

Five S3 students were presenting their ideas about stress faced by S1 students.

Chatting with the Assistant Vice Principal

In order to collect opinions from students, our school held an activity that students can exchange opinions with our Assistant Vice-Principal Mr. Kau. The pandemic situation did not stop the communication between students and the school. The activity was successfully held throughout March and April with our S2 students. Each class sent out 4 to 5 representatives to express their opinions to Mr. Kau.

A 3-Day Biotechnology Tasting Programme for Primary School Students

Our school understands the importance of biotechnology in our daily life and therefore try to promote it in the earliest stage. In order to promote the Biotechnology Education, the Science Department designed a 3-day biotechnology tasting programme for primary school students. Our students are responsible for introducing and teaching the primary school students how to conduct experiments.

School Supervisor Visit (28 April 2021)

It was our honour to have the School Supervisor, Mr. TONG Chun Kit Jonathan, visiting our school on 28 April 2021. Our Principal, Mr. WONG Chung Ki, extended his warm welcome to our honourable guest, introduced our school and showed him around our school campus. Our teachers were delighted to introduce the most recent developments of our school, including the Tony Tong Biotechnology Laboratory, the Fabrication Laboratory, and the new LED wall, TVs, sound and lighting effects of our newly renovated School Hall.

Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, was introducing our recent publications to our School Supervisor, Mr. Tong Chun Kit Jonathan.

National Security Education Day dated 15th April

In order to let students know more about the National Security Law, a series of activities was held in April this year for the National Security Education Day dated 15th April. A National Security Education lesson was held on 14th and 21st April for S1 and S2 classes respectively. For S3 students, a lesson about the National Constitution was held on 28th April. In the lessons, a video clip about the National Security Law or the National Constitution was played with a Q&A game followed.

Students are paying attention to what the teacher is teaching in the National Security education lesson
