School Events

Service Learning Program (Form 2)

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Hong Kong, F2 Service Learning program was held online in November 2020. Students planned and arranged activities for the elderly. Through the program, most students could enhance their communication skills and understand more about the community.

Students are doing some hand exercises with the elderly in order to improve the mobility and strength of the hand.

Service Learning Program (Form 1)

In order to help Form 1 students to enhance the sense of social belonging, a service learning program was held in November 2020. Students participated in a volunteer service for the elderly through an online video chat. Most students showed love and care to the elderly in the program.

Students found the service learning program interesting and fun.

Life-Wide Learning Day (Chinese History)

Chinese History Department organized an informative video sharing session for 1D,1E,1F students on 20 November 2020. The content of the programme was mainly focused on introducing the historical development of GAC group, Huawei and Xiaomi, which had won the reputation in automotive and mobile phone industries. Students found the programme interesting, informative and educational. Besides, students were attracted by the fabulous technology of the products designed by aforesaid companies through the video sharing session.

Teacher is introducing the rundown of the programme to students.

Life-Wide Learning Day (Physical Education Department)

The Physical Education Department organized an activity on Life-Wide Learning Day to let students experience Thai boxing. A famous boxer, Mr. Li Kam Yam was invited to our school to introduce and demonstrate Thai boxing. During the activity, students not only learnt more about Thai boxing, but they could also try some simple techniques, including boxing and kicking. The students responded enthusiastically and actively participated in various activities. They all found it interesting and fun. They had a very pleasant morning.

Mr. Li is teaching our students some simple Thai boxing techniques.

Life-wide Learning Day (Geography)

3D and 3E students participated in the Life-wide Learning Day about Geography on 20th Nov 2020. Geography Department prepared a video about “One day visit on Lantau Island” for the students. In the video, famous hiking routes on Lantau Island such as Lantau Peak, Sunset Peak were shown to the students. Students seemed to have a guided tour in the video and learnt some geological background of Lantau Island. They've learnt a lot in the activity. 

Students were learning about the relief of Lantau Island.

Visiting the Education University of Hong Kong

Form 3 students, Chan Cheong Chun, Chan Wai Sum, Fung Wing To, Lam Tsz Kit, Leung Tin Long and Ng Ho Him visited the Education University of Hong Kong with Dr. Chan on 10 November 2020. Dr. Leung Chi Fai, the Assistant Professor of Department of Science and Environmental Studies is one of our university collaborators. Dr. Leung held a short lecture to briefly introduce the principle of Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy to the students.

S.3 students visited the Education University of Hong Kong on 10 November 2020.

School Directors and Managers Visit (24 Nov 2020)

On 24 November 2020, it was our honour to have the directors and managers of Po Leung Kuk visiting our school. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, extended his warm welcome to our honourable guests and showed them around our campus. Our teachers and students were delighted to introduce the most recent developments of our school, including the Irene Yu Library, the Tony Tong Biotechnology Laboratory, the Fabrication Laboratory, and the brand new LED wall, TVs, sound and lighting effects of our newly renovated School Hall, to our honourable guests.

A student representative was presenting to our honourable guests at the LED wall outside our Irene Yu Library.

Public Speaking Workshop

The Life-Wide Learning Day was successfully held on 20 November, 2020. In The Public Speaking Workshop, native English-speaking tutors came to the College, and had intensive speaking practices with our Form 2 students. Our students had chances of using English in making public speeches, applying what they had learned in lessons into their daily lives.

Students were glad to watch interesting videos and learn the useful skills of making a successful speech.
