- To support the implementation of BYOD scheme
- To provide IT trainings to enhance teaching effectiveness
- To support the development of STEM education
- To maintain the IT and AV equipment and the school network in a good condition
- To promote the school through the school website, App and new/ advanced facilities
- To enhance the effectiveness and quality in teaching and learning, and implement IT and AV plans in school
- To promote the efficiency and quality of the school administration, and offer IT and AV assistance to subjects and committees
Chief ITC panel: Mr. Lai CF (Associate Principal)
ITC panels: Ms. Li MY, Mr. Cheng Y
Members: Mr. Li CN, Mr. Wong HW, Mr. Yeung CH, Mr. Yeung YL, Mr. Chau CM, Mr. Hon CK, Mr. Wong TK
Office Support: Mr. Lai WP Jude
Structure of ITC