Extra Curricular & Creative Activities Committee

Extra Curricular & Creative Activities Committee


ECCAC Committee Members

Master:                        Mr. Yuen Chun Bong

Assistant Master:        Mr. Woo Yue Tin   

Members:                   Ms. Chan Wai Ling  Mr. Tsang Kin Pui  Ms. Prasad Ananya

Assistant:                    Ms. Cheung Hin Wing  Mr. Lo Yiu Fat  Mr. Tam Ying Yung

G.O. Support:             Ms. Chgiu Sin Man, Shirley  Ms. Wong Hiu Laam, Randy


1.   Aims

  1. To raise students’ self-regulated abilities
  2. To raise students’ sense of achievement
  3. To strengthen the cooperation and bridging with the Senior Form College
  4. To take care of students’ different developmental needs
  5. To provide opportunities for students to learn to communicate, to co-operate with others and in addition to enrich their life experience
  6. To provide opportunities for students to organize ECA to gain first-hand experience of programme planning and leadership
  7. To discover and develop students’ potential
  8. To reinforce classroom learning and allow students to put their knowledge and skills into practice
  9. To facilitate the teaching of certain skills and values which may present difficulties in a formal classroom
  10. To offer opportunities for students to broaden their social experience, to practice their social skills and the internationalization values


2.   Program Plan

Plans to be implemented

Optimize School-Based Curriculum

1.1 Reorganize the subject departments to promote interdisciplinary



Reorganize the subject departments to promote interdisciplinary learning:

  • Faculty of Creative & Performing Arts, Faculty of Sports Science

1.2 Revise the curriculum according to the “Curriculum Framework of

      National Security Education in Hong Kong” announced by EDB

  • - Review and revise the curriculum of ECA

Improve students’ academic performance and whole-person development

2.1 Improve the academic quality of Students


Strengthen support for different learning group:

  • Coordinating School Teams (non-academic)
  • Creativity Thinking Team

§ To cultivate students’ creativity/innovation

§ 18-20 students will be recruited in September

§ Invite course materials/ quotation from 3 agencies. 

§ Course will start in October

§ Plan to participate at least 2 open competitions (including 

  • Taekwondo

§ 10 students will be selected

§ Professional coach will be hired


-Broadening students’ exposure to English and other language and explore students to the world

  • Organizing overseas exchange programs

§ Explore the culture/history

§ Visit the embassy of People’s Republic of China in foreign

§ Visit Chinese industry/firm in foreign country

§ 15 students will be selected to participate in the tour

§ 3 teachers (male & female) escort to the study tour

§ Invite 5 tender from travel agents on or before November

§ Poland/Romania/(TBC) will be our targeted country for 2122
      student tour

§ Study Tour booklet will be made after tour

Improve students’ academic performance and whole-person development

2.2 Improve students' ability to self-directed learning


- Organize activities to enhance students' self-directed learning

  • Coordinating Service Teams

§ To serve students in school

  • Safety & First-aid Team

§ First-aid team teachers will lead students

§ 9 Scout/St. John members will be selected to join the team as  

      senior teammates

§ 36 PE Subject leaders will participate in the team

  • Uniform team – Scout
  • Uniform team – Girl Guides
  • Uniform team – St. John Ambulance

Improve students’ academic performance and whole-person development

2.3 Knowing students’ characteristics and ability, providing various

      support and adjustments by providing interest classes to develop    

      students’ talent

  • 12-session interest classes and Fencing Class

§ School notice about non-academic ECA will be distributed to


§ Students need to return their reply slip on ECA recruitment

      day to show their preference.

§ TIC of all ECA would do recruitment by a specific school


§ To develop students’ interest as well as provide a platform for

      further involvement and leader

§ Enable students to develop their multiple intelligence skills

To further enhance the professionalism of these extra-curricular activities, some activities will be outsourced and professional instructors will be employed

Strengthen student morality. To enable students to be informed and responsible citizens with a sense of national and global identity, appreciation of positive values and attitudes as well as Chinese culture, and respect for pluralism in society


3.1 Cultivate students’ sense of national identity and appreciation of

      Chinese culture


- Deepen the understanding of national security

  • Organize or participate in other activities to deepen the understanding of national security



Useful Link:


Guidelines on Extra-curricular Activities in School

https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/admin/about-activities/sch-activities-guidelines/E_eca.pdf (link is external)



Guidelines on Outdoor Activities

https://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/sch-admin/admin/about-activities/sch-activities-guidelines/Outdoor_EN.pdf (link is external)