Department of Visual Arts

Integrated Arts - Department of Visual Arts


Arts education is one of the five essential areas in the overall aim of education set out by the Education Commission: “To enable every person to attain all-round development in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics according to his/her own attributes so that he/she is capable of life-long learning, critical and exploratory thinking, innovating and adapting to change.”


Overall aims of the Visual Arts curriculum
In keeping with the aims of the Education Commission and our school, through the teaching of Visual Arts at key stage 3 we aim to:

  1. develop students’ creativity and critical thinking, nurture their aesthetic sensitivity, and build up their cultural awareness and effective communication. 
  2. aid students in developing skills, knowledge and positive values and attitudes in art. 
  3. provide students with delight, enjoyment and satisfaction through participating in art-making activities. 
  4. help students to pursue their life-long interests in art. 
  5. contribute to the all round personal and social development of every student through opportunities for co-operation, commitment, perseverance and tolerance demanded within the subject.


- Key stage 3
Visual Arts is taught for triple periods per teaching cycle. The curriculum is organized according to the four learning targets set out by the Education Commission. 

Learning Targets

Cultivating critical responses

Developing creativity, imagination, skills and processes

Understanding arts in context

Learning Areas

- Visual Language 

- Art Criticism 

Art Forms: 


- Painting 

- Printmaking 

- Calligraphy 

- Graphic Design 

- Sculpture 

- Crafts 

- Digital Art

- Western Art 

- Chinese Art 

- Gifted Education
We stretch our talented students’ visual and performing arts abilities through a range of after-school programmes. We also create opportunities for talented students to meet and socialise with other young people with similar interests and outlooks.