School Events

CGC Job Simulation (2nd Term, 3D, 3E, 3F) 2021-2022

On 24th June 2022, a job simulation workshop was held for Form 3 students. Students from Classes 3D to 3F were introduced the jobs of being voice actors, nurses as well as kindergarten teachers. Students tried their best to acquire different skills needed for different occupations. Overall, they found the workshop meaningful!

The instructor was asking if students were interested in voice acting.

CGC Job Guessing Sessions (2nd Term) 2021-2022

On 17/06/2022 and 21/06/2022, two job guessing sessions were held for students during the morning class teacher period at school. Based on the riddles on the Keynotes, students were required to guess the correct occupations. It was also a chance for students to learn the English names of various jobs. In the end, most students actively participated in the sessions!

 The class teacher was trying to explain the rules of playing the riddle game to students.

The Genuine Discussion Between Parents and the Principals

A Genuine Discussion Between Parents and the Principals was held on 18 June 2022. The event was a nice opportunity for the Principals, teachers and parents to share their enrichment strategies to support students' learning. Both of the Junior and Sixth Form Colleges are going to offer consolidation courses and productive activities to help students to recover both academically and physically from disrupted periods of distance learning.

The Genuine Discussion Between Parents and the Principals was held on 18 June 2022.

Whole School Community Service Learning (Class 3A, 3D and 3E)

To facilitate positive development and unleash potential of our students, Class 3A, 3D and 3E participated in a Service Learning Activity on 28 June, 2022. Due to the pandemic, the activity was conducted in online mode. They have had a chance to communicate with the disabled from Sham Shui Po Integrated Rehabilitation Centre. It is a great opportunity for our students to learn how to organise an activity and communicate with the disabled. 

Traditional Chinese cultural activities

The traditional Chinese cultural activities in this year were two themes: traditional Chinese costumes exhibitions and introducing traditional festivals, that were held on June 24 and 27. A total of four booths were set up in the event. Students can try to guess lantern riddles, write the Spring couplet of Lunar New Year, enjoy the exhibition of the Qing Dynasty, participate in quiz competitions related to the Lantern Festival, and design unique palace women's costumes.

Visit Hong Kong Museum of History in Life Wide Learning Day

The Chinese History Department organized a visit to Hong Kong Museum of History for the students on the Life Wide Learning day which was held on 24 June 2022. The theme of the learning activity was “The History of Hong Kong”.

The aim of this learning activity is to make our students be aware of the history of Hong Kong. Without the doubt, the students gained a valuable opportunity in understanding the recent history of Hong Kong through this visit.

Dr. Chan, Miss Wong and Mr. Lau took a photo with the students in the exhibition hall of the Museum.

Life Wide Learning Day (by Integrated Humanities – History and Geography Departments)

To educate students about the historical development of Hong Kong and help them develop a concept on sustainable development, the departments of Integrated Humanities- History and Geography organized a visit to the ‘Hong Kong Maritime Museum’ on Life Wide Learning Day dated 24th June, 2022. Through this visit, students have had a deeper understanding of the history of Hong Kong.

Food Science Talk and Workshop

In order to let students know more about Food Science, a team of THEi staff was invited to come to our school to provide a talk and workshop for our S3 students on 24th June (Life Wide Learning Day). Students learnt about natural colouring and made coloured pasta in the workshop. It is a fun learning day for the students.

Students are listening attentively in the Food Science Talk.

MCNEC and S&C: Board exhibition of Hong Kong National Security Law

To promote the understanding of national security, MCNEC and S&C organized a related board exhibition from 6th June to 14th June. Students have acquired the knowledge of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the conditions of the motherland nowadays from this activity.

The exhibition boards were placed outside our school hall.
