School Events

Silver Jubilee School Musical 2022-23

On 21st July 2023, the school celebrated its silver jubilee with a school musical. Principals and students were invited to the musical. The event started with Principal Wong’s welcome address. It was followed by a video about a wonderful dimensional travelling story of our alumnus and pianist Ms. Lam Yin Yu, Vicky, returning to her alma mater TNK. After the video, our students of the Drama Team showcased their talents by acting, singing, and dancing throughout the event. The vivid portrayal of characters impressed the audience.

Principal Wong gives a welcome address to the audience.

Joint School STEAM Motorboat

To expose students to more integrated use of STEM knowledge, the Academic and Staff Development Committee and the Faculty of STEM has joined hands to organise the Joint School STEAM Motorboat Competition 2023. By facilitating students from participating schools in their creation, testing and racing of the motorboats, our students have learnt how to utilise science theories into practice and solve problems along the way.

Our student trainers assisted participating students in their making of motorboat.

22/23 School Closing Ceremony

To recognize students’ achievements throughout the academic year, a closing ceremony was held on 12th July, 2023. Principals, Chairperson of the Parent-Teacher-Association, student awardees as well as other students were all invited to attend the ceremony. The school was delighted to announce that there were more than 400 awards given to our students. In the future, the school will continue to help students excel in academic work and teach them with love and care.

Principal Mr. Wong Chung Ki gives an opening address to the audience.

Talent Co-op@TNK Program: Data Science training workshop (2023-6-24)

To broaden the horizon of students and connect life planning with different subjects, the Careers Guidance Committee and the Department of Information and Technology Studies have organized a Data Science training workshop for Secondary Three students who are interested in Information Technology through the Talent Co-op @TNK program. The program aims to discover and cultivate a new generation of technology talents with the guidance from industry professionals.

Principal Wong presents appreciation pennants to the co-founders of the Talent Co-op, thanking them for providing tailor-made data science training for our junior secondary students.

Theme Talk: Opportunities for Hong Kong Youth to develop in the Mainland

A theme talk for S2 and S3 students delivered by professor Tse was held on 28/4/2023. Professor Tse introduced the situation of rapid development in the Mainland and shared with students some current policies to encourage Hong Kong youth in the development of the Mainland. All students were attracted by the lecture and have acquired deeper understanding of the motherland. A number of students also showed big interest in developing a career in the Mainland in the future. 

Professor Tse was sharing with our students.

Activity of Health “SUN TEEN” Scheme

To achieve the purpose of promoting "Positive Psychology", Po Leung Kuk co-operated with the Discipline Guidance Committee and the Moral, Civic and National Education Committee to organize some interesting game booths at the cover playground for our students on 6 June 2023. Not only did the students participate in the game booth activity, but they also knew more about the knowledge of positive psychology in an interactive way.

Our students are interested in playing the game booth.

Odyssey of the Mind 2023 - World Finals

Our Creativity Thinking Team was qualified as one of the Hong Kong schools to join the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals 2023 at Michigan State University of the United States during 22-28 May 2023. This was a global competition that allowed the members to develop their problem solving skills, encouraged collaboration with others, and supplemented their learning with real-life situations. Though they did not turn out to be a top team, they actually did a great job at the performance after months of preparation.

21/5 (Sun) - The team arrived at Toronto Pearson International Airport to mark the beginning of the tour.

Cultural Journey Carnival 2023

With a view to enhancing the cultural awareness of students and promoting an inclusive environment in the school, we organized the Cultural Journey Carnival in May. Various game and experience booths are arranged for students, so they can learn more about facts related to different cultures, such as their festivals, sports, art, and costumes. Students had much fun and a great time at the Carnival.

Many students have fun dressing up in cultural costumes at the Carnival.

Mini Robocon Competition

The Robotics Team has joined the Mini Robocon Competition for the first time. The theme of this year is the ancient pot-throwing game of "Touhu". Teams need to design and make their own robots to compete against each other. The robot needs to collect small objects inside the arena and throw it into the target pots to score points. The team has gained valuable experience from the competition and hopes to achieve better results next year.

Team photo with the robot built by the team
