School Events

Study Tour on the Science & Technology Development in the Greater Bay Area

3 classes of our Form 2 students visited Nan Sha during the Lifewide Learning Day in November to learn more about the Science & Technology Development in the Greater Bay Area. Students visited corporations in the industry of biotechonology and car manufacturing to see how science and technology are applied in real life. They also took a ride on a driverless taxi to experience how technology has advanced in a smart-city design.

A student is experiencing the driving simulation in the Guangzhou Toyota Motor Showroom.

2023-24 Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 2023-2024 First Uniform Test and 2023 MakeX Robotics Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony was held during the morning assembly on 1st December, 2023.
Students who were awarded the first, second and third place of each form are:
Form 3: 3B Kwan Suet Sau, 3A Cheng Yi Wing and 3C Rayan Sajed
Form 2: 2C Tarlit Miscia Aishi Dela Cruz, 2C Rafaqat Laraib and 2A Lee Shun Hong
Form 1: 1B Cheung Ka Wing, 1A Cheng Wing Hei and 1A Tang Sin Hang

Cheung Ka Wing (First Position in Secondary One)

PLK Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College Shines Bright with Spectacular 2023-2024 Talent Show and Inter-House Dancing Competition

Our school was abuzz with excitement and a vibrant display of talent as it hosted an unforgettable Talent Show and Inter-House Dancing Competition on 20th Dec, 2023, in the run-up to Christmas. The event, held at the school hall, showcased the immense creativity, passion, and unity within the school community. Under the esteemed leadership of Principal Mr. Wong Chung Ki, and with the meticulous preparation from SU, the event was a resounding success, bringing together students, teachers, and parents for an evening filled with extraordinary performances.

The Principal's Award Presentation

23/24 3-day Bio-technology Taster Program (1st Term)

In October and November this year, the school organized another Bio-technology Taster Program for primary school students this year. Students from Po Leung Kuk Chan Yat Primary School were invited to attend the taster program in the Bio-technology Lab. With the help from our teachers and student helpers, they learned how to extract DNA. It was a fruitful experience for them. 

Our student helpers explain the lesson objectives to the primary school students.

23/24 3-day AIoT Workshop (1st Term)

The school was delighted to organize another AIoT Taster Program for students in November and December this year. Students from Po Leung Kuk Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School were invited to learn coding and make a smart meter in the Smart Home Lab. The workshop helped them learn how to enhance home learning with smart technology. In general, it was a fun and meaningful experience for primary school students. 

The teacher and student helpers introduce some safety measures before making the smart metre.

New Book Conference for Resource Package on "Biotechnology Education Programme" (5 July 2023)

Our school received funding from the Quality Education Fund from 2020 to 2022 to implement a school-based STEAM education biotechnology popularization education development plan for secondary one to secondary three grades. The course content includes introducing basic biological knowledge, increasing students' basic understanding of biotechnology through lectures and experiments, and inspiring students' interest in biotechnology.

Our new book "Biotechnology Education Programme"

Visit by the HKAGE and members of the Curriculum Development Council Committee on Gifted Education

Our school has had the honour to welcome the senior management team of the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education and members of the Curriculum Development Council Committee on Gifted Education to visit us in August. A school tour was arranged for our guests about our latest development in STEAM education. Our teachers have introduced the facilities in Dr. Tony Tong Biotechnology Laboratory, Smart Home Lab and Aero Lab to our guests.

Principal Wong exchanges souvenir with Dr. Jimmy Wong, Executive Director of the HKAGE.

2023-2024 Study Tour on Kaiping

In order to enhance students' understanding of our country and strengthen their sense of national identity through understanding the unique architectural landmarks of our motherland as well as the historical and cultural backgrounds, the Faculty of Chinese Language & Culture and History arranged for Secondary 1 and 3 students to visit Kaiping in Guangdong from 24th to 25th of NovemberAll students enjoyed the trip!

Students take a group photo at Deyuan Lianggong Temple.

Picnic Day

On the delightful 10th of November, the school embraced a day of joy and camaraderie with a special picnic. Class 1B, 1D, and 1F embarked on an adventure to Po Leung Kuk Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp, creating memories amidst nature's beauty. Meanwhile, Class 1A, 1C, 1E, and all S2 students reveled in the outdoors at Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre. The S3 students chose the picturesque Clear Water Bay Country Park as their destination, immersing themselves in the tranquility of the natural surroundings.

Class 1A, 1C, 1E, and all S2 students reveled in the outdoors at Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre
