School Events

S1 Service Learning Talk

The Moral Civic and National Education Committee held a Service Learning Talk for Form 1 students on March 5,2024. The purpose of the lecture to cultivate students sense of social responsibility and belonging, and to encourage them to show care and love for the elderly.

Students listen attentively in the lecture.

A Visit to VTC Open Day for S3 Students

In order to help S3 students learn more about the post-secondary exits and course content of Vocational Training Council, the Careers and Guidance Committee organized a visit to the VTC for Class D, E, and F students on March 1, 2024. All students enjoyed the visit and learned more about different careers, broadening their horizons, which will help them make decisions regarding further studies.

Students were attentively listening to the speaker introducing the Fondant Cake.

S3 Service Learning

Cooperating with the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Associationof Hong Kong (BGCA), a service learning activity was held on 23 Feb with the participation of S3 students. They were assigned into two groups to experience the daily life of wheelchair users and people with visual impairment. Through the activity, students' understanding of disability groups was enhanced and so as their sense of empathy towards people with special needs.

Students are having briefing session before the activity.

2023-2024 Charity Bazaar cum CoolSTEAMaker Festival

The Charity Bazaar cum CoolSTEAMaker Festival was held on 9th March. Different STEAM related competitions, workshops, exhibitions and game stalls were hosted by teachers and students. Students took part in activities by subject and committee to fully demonstrate students' diverse talents.

Student receives a prize and takes a group photo with teachers and the Principal after setting future targets at the booth.

Alumni Sharing 2023-2024

On February 21, 2024, Career Guidance Committee organized an alumni sharing session for our S3 students. 18 alumni from P.L.K. Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College came to introduce the curriculum of various elective subjects and share their experiences in selecting elective subjects. Our students actively asked questions and benefited greatly from this interaction.

Mr. Ma, the career master of TNK, and alumni S5 students from SFC take a group photo.

Careers Guidance Committee Code for Impact Challenge Workshop 2023-24 (Junior Achievement HK)

In order to help young people develop thinking and coding skills, the Careers Guidance Committee invited students to a life planning workshop titled 'Junior Achievement : Code for Impact Challenge - Innovation Camp & Coding Workshop' organized by the Junior Achievement Hong Kong on 24th February, 2024. Students were introduced the concept of 'Design Thinking' which helped them identify the needs of the elderly and ways to help them. In the afternoon, they were also taught basic coding skills via an app called 'Python'.

After learning ‘Design Thinking’, students discuss ways to help the elderly.

S.2 Job Simulation

In order to increase students' exposure to different careers, a job simulation activity was held for Form 2 students on 05/02/2024. Students got a glimpse into the careers of being interior designers, nutritionists, vets, waiters and ambulancemen, etc. It was such a valuable experience for students as the activity provided a platform for them to experience various careers. Overall, students learned a lot from the job simulation.

Students listen to the instructor.

Sun & Fun Day Camp

On 27th January 2024, 31 of our students attended our school's "Sun & Fun Day Camp" at the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association Pok Hong Campsite. Highlights included outdoor cooking, where students planned, shopped for, and prepared their own meals over a campfire. They also learned outdoor washing skills, heating water to clean dishes and camping gear. The students developed valuable life skills and grew more independent and resilient. The camp was a huge success, and we look forward to offering it again next year for more of our students to enjoy.

Students enjoy an outdoor barbecue while on a camping trip, bonding over good food and camaraderie in the great outdoors.

60th Schools Dance Festival

Big congratulations to our students in our School Dance Team who demonstrated teamwork and perseverance throughout the year during dance team rehearsals. The students got to showcase the fruit of their hard work on the 31st of January in the 60th Schools Dance Festival and won the Commended Award. They are:

Photo taking after the competition
